Thursday, November 20, 2008

Tree of Gratitude

For FHE last Monday we put together our Mason Family Tree of Gratitude (I copied this idea from Shawni because I can't come up with my own ideas).
We were all SO proud of it when we were finished.
We all stood back & admired it for a while after we hung it up.

Each leaf says something we are thankful for.
And we definitely have so much to be thankful for!

We could have put a million leaves on that tree, but it was getting late!

The first thing that comes to my mind when counting blessings, would be my beautiful, happy, healthy children & that I am so blessed to be their mother........and the list goes on & on.....

How did I get so lucky?

Some of my favorites on the tree are:

Stores & Community Services (Marlee)

Our pets (Max) - I totally disagree with that one.

That we are not ignorant (Marlee) - What???

Thanksgiving dinner (Jake)

Hair (Marlee)

Blogging (me)

Technology that can make our lives easier - Go Thomas Edison! (Marlee)

Donuts (Zane) "Mom, I'm totally thankful for donuts." Love that kid.

And I totally forgot to add Diet Coke ....

and Twilight that I can't wait to see tomorrow!!!!!

1 comment:

jlarnett said...

Thanks for planning my FHE for tonight! I was just trying to think of what to do...I am so good at copying! Very cute idea! We all have so much to be grateful for!

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